Wednesday, April 26, 2006

woody guthrie for president

"I took a bath this morning in six war speeches, and a sprinkle of peace. Looks like ever body is declaring war against the forces of force. That's what you get for building up a big war machine. It scares your neighbors into jumping on you, and then of course they them selves have to use force, so you are against their force, and they're aginst yours. Look like the ring has been drawed and the marbles are all in. The millionaires has throwed their silk hats and our last set of drawers in the ring. The fuse is lit and the cannon is set, and somebody is in for a frailin. I would like to see every single soldier on every single side, just take off your helmet, unbuckle your kit, lay down your rifle, and set down at the side of some shady lane, and say, nope, I aint a gonna kill nobody. Plenty of rich folks wants to fight. Give them the guns."
-from WOODY SEZ, a collection of articles written by Woody for the PEOPLE'S WORLDText Copyright (c) 1975 by Woody Guthrie Publications

woody guthrie for president

"I took a bath this morning in six war speeches, and a sprinkle of peace. Looks like ever body is declaring war against the forces of force. That's what you get for building up a big war machine. It scares your neighbors into jumping on you, and then of course they them selves have to use force, so you are against their force, and they're aginst yours. Look like the ring has been drawed and the marbles are all in. The millionaires has throwed their silk hats and our last set of drawers in the ring. The fuse is lit and the cannon is set, and somebody is in for a frailin. I would like to see every single soldier on every single side, just take off your helmet, unbuckle your kit, lay down your rifle, and set down at the side of some shady lane, and say, nope, I aint a gonna kill nobody. Plenty of rich folks wants to fight. Give them the guns."
-from WOODY SEZ, a collection of articles written by Woody for the PEOPLE'S WORLDText Copyright (c) 1975 by Woody Guthrie Publications

Saturday, April 01, 2006

!!!!!! CLANG !!!!!!!

The third anniversary of the first bombs in the second Gulf War has come and gone and we all had a really big wake up call, didn't we? Then we promptly rolled over and went back to sleep. It's time to admit that we just don't give a shit.